Friday, June 26, 2009


hello // readers // none tittle today
well too many things happened today *not too many just more than one thing*
hmm well today Ms.C da dtg school blik , well tak sepi ag laa
tapi tk best nye , kne ddk hujung , and Ms.C asek ckp ngn Ms.S jeaa
aku tak dgr pape pun :| haishh
but nota semua siap salin haha *dgn bangganye lagi uh* HEEE ,
beside today i'm really not in the mood after seeing that Mr.MDL
hmm -__- nak usha panas kat orang lak kau , dummy headic head haha
heee patu awek kau pehal nak tnya aku mcm mcm ? ingat aku nie still ade feeling kat kau lg laa ?
PLEASE laa . tade makne lg daa okay ?
heee haha hmm get lost jeaa laa korang dua orang :)

okay hm ohh yea , MJ passed away this morning , woahh
how sad isn't it ? the king of pop woahh :(
well may ALLAH peace you :)
hee ,

okay hm ape lg ekk ? adoii lupa laa haha
nenek nnek :D
hmm yeaa that annoying minah nak nanges nanges sbb aku marah
alaa mampus kau la , aku mara cket jea nak lebih lebih
sepak baru thu , bwat orang thu lak , bile da kne marah cm dak kecik
smpai rehat nak nanges nanges , blaa la
hrap jer 13 da but still act like a child , so childish la you ! eee
geram gilaa aku grr haha nvm laa
lntak kau la Ms.K haha

HMM apa lagi ea ? tuh jea kowt
beside i'm quite lazy wanted to tell you everything that's in my life
so bbye :)