Friday, July 30, 2010


Well, hello :]
hha long time dont write you huh bloggy ?
knda missed ya but idk why
just lazy to write about my life
its knda bored, dont you think so ?

Man, life sucks for me
i always get what i want but i never thank for it
only likee ' nahh, i hate it'
what do ya hope ? for me to thank it really really ?
well im not that type, im sorry for my imperfectness

That day, hmm i called you
and we be friends again, thnks dear :]
you make my life happy again
but i felt something missing eventhough we're back again
idk what, but it just it haihh :\

-there's sadness in my eyes
there's no more you who can make it shine again
i just want to forget you but i cant
eventhough you by my side
and it hurts when i hear your stories -

Hear this song, i really love it ;